All of Your Must Have Baby Recommendations

Thank you guys so much for taking the time to recommend all of your favorite items to me! I completely understand how overwhelming all of the options really are on top of deciding what’s actually necessary and what is not. I’ll break down all items by category in this post to let you know items that we have either bought or registered for. Thankfully, I have several best friends with lots of kids (aka mom PRO’s) and our next door neighbors just had a little girl earlier this year. Everyone has been so helpful in compiling this list, so THANK YOU! I feel like it’s a great starting point and will add more items as I go. The best advice I’ve gotten is that every baby is different, and you have to figure out some of the items as you go and see what type of bottle, swing, etc. works for you and your baby. As of now, I’m staying open minded about the entire process and will do what works for us. I feel like time is flying and can’t wait to meet our little girl in about 3.5 months!

Here are the Baby Furniture items I’ve ordered so far. I thought that my decision was made on a glider, but realized the one I chose wasn’t going to fit in baby girl’s room, so our goal is to find one this weekend! We are going to use a changing table on top of the dresser. About 50% of you guys said you used one and other 50% said you did. We have one story small house, so I feel like we will be using the items in her room a lot! I obviously have a couple more furniture items to add, but figured we would start with these and see what else we have room for after these are delivered and assembled. I’ve heard this is hands down the best mattress to get for safety and how breathable it is.

These items were all of your Top Baby Gear items.

  1. The swing was probably the most controversial out of them all. Some of you said you like the Mamaroo and others said you didn’t. The footprint is smaller than most traditional swings, which we honestly just don’t have the space for, so we’re going to give this one a try.
  2. I can’t tell you how highly the Baby Bjorn mesh mini carrier came recommended, so I’m excited to try it!
  3. I debated on the car seat for what seemed like forever, and finally decided to go with the Nuna for safety ratings, ease of use, and how lightweight it is.
  4. I also debated between the Halo & the Snoo to keep baby girl in our room, and we decided on the Halo. First of all, the Snoo is super expensive and secondly my neighbor made a great point. She said that you wouldn’t want to get your baby used to sleeping with that vibration and having to break them of it later or traveling without it, etc. It’s a huge investment that I’m honestly not sure if it’s worth it. On the other side, the people who have it, LOVE it!
  5. The Dock A Tot was also a must have rec from everyone!
  6. The Uppababy Stroller system won by a landslide as far as strollers go. The ease of use, combined with the fact that it’s the only stroller on the market that can convert to fit 2 babies/children was a no brainer for us!

Swaddles and Blankets were another hot topic.

  1. The Ollie, Halo sleep sack and the SwaddleMe were the top 3 favorites!
  2. I couldn’t resist buying baby girl a Little Giraffe blanket as her special blanket. These make great gifts, are super soft and can be monogrammed for that extra special touch.
  3. The Aden & Anais swaddle blankets also came highly recommended!
  4. The Sollybaby wrap was another favorite for babies while they’re little, and I’ve also heard this Zipadee swaddle is all the rage as of late!

Here are some of your top recommended Health & Safety items.

  1. I hear anything Baby Frida is the absolute best!
  2. Everyone has raved about the Owlet monitor to help monitor breathing/avoid SIDS. Only a few people said they didn’t like it but for the most part 99% of everyone said they loved it!
  3. The Infant Optics monitor was also highly recommended over a monitor attached to WiFi. For safety reasons, I heard a lot of people say they were concerned. Another concern is that if your WiFi goes out, so does your monitor. Other concerns were that you have to open your phone to see your baby and it can drain your battery. I’ve heard simple is better as far as monitors are concerned. Linking below all of the Baby Frida items you guys loved as well as these other top items!

There were so many amazing recommendations in the Nursing/Feeding category!

  1. The boppy pillow was the top recommended item hands down.
  2. The baby Brezza was another top recommendation. Everyone who has it says they can’t live without it.
  3. I asked about bottles and you guys loved the Comotomo bottles. Dr. Browns bottles came in second but the only negative thing I heard was that there are so many parts to clean with Dr. Browns.
  4. The Elvie breast pump is a newer pump on the market, and so far, I’ve heard mom’s say that they tried other ones and wish they had splurged on this one. It’s hands free, silent and fits in your bra with no tubes or wires.
  5. The Haakaa was also another top rec from you guys! My best friend (mom of 4) recommended these spoons for feeding baby food.
  6. These bibs were the 2 top bibs. These were highly recommended for baby stage and these were recommended for when the child is eating baby/solid food.
  7. These bowls were highly recommended for solid foods. Tons of great reviews too!
  8. Same brand of sippy cups were highly recommended!

These items are top recommendations in general that you guys sent me. As a first time mom, I never would have never thought of most of them, but so many people said they were all so helpful and ended up being lifesavers! They’re in no particular order just FYI…

  1. These 2 books to help with sleep training were the top recs. You can find them here and here.
  2. The Wubbanub pacifiers were another must have. One of my besties sent me this cute unicorn one.
  3. These hangers will be huge space saver!
  4. This diaper rash cream came in at #1 along with the brush.
  5. Pacifier clips were another great tip.
  6. The Hatch sound machine was a top item for in the nursery. A ton of people also liked the Baby Shusher, but only for the stroller or when you’re out and about because it lasts for 15-30 minutes and then you have to turn it back on.
  7. The Fisher Price Sit Me Up seat came highly recommended!
  8. This Fisher Price piano gym was a top play item.
  9. My best friend said these Medela quick clean bags made cleaning pacifiers, bottle parts, etc so easy!
  10. Everyone says these cloth diapers make the best burp cloths. My best friend had a great rec to take them to get them monogrammed or personalized.
  11. A friend recommended these changing pad liners to put on furniture like the glider or sofa making clean up easy when baby spits up etc.
  12. Since we live in Florida, everyone highly recommended this stroller fan.
  13. This portable changing pad was a top rec for using on the go.
  14. Ubbi Diaper Pail–everyone says worth the money bc no smell!


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I hope these are all helpful to you guys! I feel like this is a great starting point and will definitely add more items as we go. Stay tuned! Of course, if you have any must have items, please don’t hesitate to send them my way!

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